About a month ago we ordered a wheelchair for Grace. The wheelchair we picked will look much like the one above but is hot pink (of course). We had been putting it off this decision as long as we could but as we may be losing Medicaid soon, we decided it was time. I had been dreading this moment and praying for a miracle so that it would never come. Although Grace is still progressing and we are still hopeful that she will walk unassisted one day, it is inevitable that a wheelchair will be needed for long distances. I guess this is just one more detour from from denial that my daughter has CP and will always require some kind of assistance.
I guess I've been thinking a lot about the wheelchair and how it will affect Grace and our lives, because last night I dreamed I was in a wheelchair. I was not with anyone I knew but I was in place that we frequent. The only people that acknowledged me where those also in wheelchairs. Everyone else just ignored me...or if they looked at me, they would look away. How will this wheelchair exactly change our lives? I guess we'll find out soon.
When my son's wheelchair arrived I cried and left it in the guest room for a month before I would put him in it! Everyday I looked at it and even kicked it and cried some more. But now days all is good my little one gets himself about in it mostly when we are out and about. Good luck with it all and I am sure Grace will scoot about quickly.Take care
Getting a wheelchair gave me so much more independence. I could get around school without getting so tired, and can now get around university independently, get my own snacks and make my own lunch, get around much faster etc. It's so great. I still use my crutches, just not as much. Hope Grace gains a lot like I have!
I have the same feelings. My daughter has arthrogryposis and has been to 3 different doctors who all said get her a wheelchair. I am not ready to go there yet. I still believe in her. why wont they even give her a chance? she has knee contractures. no one wants to do anything to fix them. they just say get her a chair.
Can I just tell you how much I LOVE Charlie's wheelchair? How much he loves it? I think Hubby is still pretty resistant--he doesnt' seem to thrilled with taking it places, but for me and Charlie, it is heaven. He can see EVERYTHING and just as important, the world sees him the way he is--he's not sleepy or tired--he is disabled. As difficult as it may be to believe, I have found the wheelchair to be incredibly freeing.
I have a son that is 6 yrs old, he has cp. I am thinking about getting dr yngve to do tendon lengthing. He is able to walk but he walks on his toes on his right foot. What do you think. Would love to hear. Would love to hear about Grace. Thanks Christine Hollis.
Christine, I hope you get this because I don't have contact info for you. YES, YES, YES, you should do it. Please email me at jlieck@sbcglobal.net and I'll get you more specifics.
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