Grace is doing much better with her walker. Thanks to everyone who has been asking about her. Even though Grace has special needs, she is a typical stubborn two year old...testing her mommy all the way. She is really motivated to use her walker if we make a game out of it. She loves to chase Mack and Sophie and they love for her to. Of course, every few steps Sophie has to run and hug her sister with an "Ohhh Sissy". Melts my heart every time.
A bit later, while I am preparing lunch I hear a lot of laughter from the living room...the kind of laughter that sounds like they are up to something. Well, Sophie had crawled in the stroller and Mack was pushing her. They were have too much fun.
They are just too precious for words!!\NiNi
Those 3... "trouble" wrapped up in pure joy - What a trio! and what a mommy! Thanks for posting (I was in need of a triplet fix!)
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