Monday evening Grace's gait trainer was delivered to our house. It just so happened that four of my friends (Jackie, Rachel, Beth and Kathryn) were with us when it was delivered. It seems like we have been waiting for this day forever!! We were all so would have thought someone had just brought us a Porsche 911. We waited anxiously as Heather adjusted everything perfectly for Grace's first run in her purple Pacer. How would she do...would she like it? She did great!!! She loved it!!! We still need to practice some before she can get around perfectly but I know she can do it.
Love you,
Thanks for putting the pics on the web however, they can't portray the happiness that was in your den that day! GRACIE WAS THE STAR! After 3 tries, she "walked" straight to her best friend Kat... and it was WONDERFUL. I am so honored to be a part of that moment - thanks for letting me share their progress with you & Abe. God bless you & your precious babies. love, J
That's wonderful!!! I'm so happy for all of you, but especially Grace! Best, Kelly L.
Yay! It is so exciting to finally see our kiddos mobile. It opens up a new world for them:) I can't wait to hear how she progresses.
The look on her face in the last photo is absolutely priceless. She is so excited! Good for her!
Thanks Jackie! I don't know what we would've done the past 2 years without you! We love you!
she looks really great. i would thanksfully asked u to send me the model of grace gait trainer and where u bought from? i ws tierly keeping searching for such a model so please help me and sed me the no. of the model on my e-mail
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