I know I promised some photos and there have been complaints, but I'VE BEEN BUSY :) Today we planted a few flowers in the front of the house. Whose brilliant idea was it to a family occasion...oops, that was me. Actually it wasn't too bad. Only a few plants were crushed by Mack as he tried to help plant them. He loved it and he really tried to do it right. And there was only one temper tantrum (yes, Mack) thrown in the flower bed. He was filthy. And there was only spanking...Sophie ran into the street. All in all it was a good time and we have a few pretty flowers that survived ;)
Hey Stacey, It's The First Years Reclining Booster Seat. I got it at Target. We use it a lot. It does have a tray and a cloth cover which I take off when we use it outside so I can just hose it down. Try this link http://www.target.com/gp/search/602-0528974-7997447?field-keywords=reclining+booster+seat&url=index%3Dtarget&ref=sr_bx_1_1&x=0&y=0
It happens to me I have this picturesque view of Elizabeth and I doing something lovely together (baking, decorating cookies, gardening etc). It usaully starts out well but once she rolls in the project (mud, cookie dough) then I put away until naptime and then I finish it. You have 8 extra limbs to account for and reel in. Your projects must be exhausting.
I love the seat that Grace is sitting in. What is it? Can you put a tray on it for food?
Hey Stacey, It's The First Years Reclining Booster Seat. I got it at Target. We use it a lot. It does have a tray and a cloth cover which I take off when we use it outside so I can just hose it down. Try this link
what a fun day you guys had. Happy spring.
Ps don't forget to post your blogger award
Hey AZ, I don't know how to get it. I'm not a very good blogger :(
It happens to me I have this picturesque view of Elizabeth and I doing something lovely together (baking, decorating cookies, gardening etc). It usaully starts out well but once she rolls in the project (mud, cookie dough) then I put away until naptime and then I finish it. You have 8 extra limbs to account for and reel in. Your projects must be exhausting.
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