Thursday, June 14, 2007

Hello, On-Star?

Do you think that part of your brain disintegrates upon giving birth to children? Maybe? All I know is my memory is horrible and it seems to take very little for me to become disoriented. Mack was SO grumpy yesterday (he didn't have a good nap) and after trying everything to appease him I decided we would go for a drive...first to Starbucks (Hello, need my caffeine) and then around the lake. The rain had been spotty for most of the day so I felt like a walk was out of the question, not to mention the humidity was stifling. Ok, this is embarrassing to admit...but I got lost somewhere in the neighborhoods around White Rock Lake. Maybe I was distracted by the songs we were singing or looking at the really cool houses, but I didn't not know where the heck we were. I had forgotten my cell phone during the loading of the van so I decided to use my van's compass and I would simply navigate our way out. Does anyone REALLY use those things?!! If they are mom's they do!! Today we have stayed on our well-traveled routes without incident.


Anonymous said...

Hey girlfriend - Are you saying you never got lost before the babies came? Remember... I knew you PAB (pre-anklebiters)...

Jacolyn said...

Now whose memory is bad. Don't you remember I was brilliant!!! ")