Thursday, June 5, 2008

Drive the Speed Limit!!

I have had the misfortune the last 3 weeks to receive 3 traffic tickets, 2 for speeding and 1 for an out-date inspection sticker (only 2 weeks late!...give me a break). After overhearing me complain to a friend on the phone that I was having to do Defensive Driving for 3 tickets, Abe says....

"I didn't know you had THREE tickets!"

My reply: "Yes, I just got the 3rd one and I was only going 40 in a 30!! Can you believe I got a ticket?"

His question: "Why weren't you going 30 in the 30!?"

Enough said...point taken...slow my butt down.


BusyLizzyMom said...

Ouch! Have fun at driving school, at least you will get an afternoon off with no kids. Think of it as time for your self, bring a latte or two.

Jackie said...

Some people will go to any extreme to get attention... GEEZ! jk love, J

Anonymous said...

Are you watching too much TV? Too many high-speed chase "reality" shows? Please read the defensive driving books very thoroughly. (And then, you can pass them on to Gracie for new reading material!)

Melanie said...

WOW! You and my husband (Lonnie) would have some stories to share. I believe he has you beat though, I think he got 3 tickets in one week, but two of them were on the same day, within a couple of hours. Short memory, didn't get the lesson the first time!:)
It does on number on your insurance thought! Better watch out and be careful....And can you call and warn us next time you're out driving!! LOL

Melissa said...

Oh I have that problem too! I always drive way too fast because with 3 kids I AM ALWAYS LATE!!! I am sure you understand what that is like. I feel your pain. I just got speeding ticket last month. Thankfully they knocked down the fine for me :)